Aliento Update

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  • 3 mins read

Aliento Update

It has Been awhile

Hey everyone! It has been awhile since our last update, so there is a lot to talk about but we will try to keep it sweet and to the point.

We are buying land for the feeding program!

We are so happy to be moving into a permanent space! For the last 5 years, we have just been serving the food and playing games in the street. It has worked for a while, but as things grow, we need more space. This land has lots of outdoor space but it also has a building with a bathroom already built, along with a well. Having this space will allow us to expand our programs even more, and be more organized. As long as everything goes according to plan, we should be taking possession of it within a week or two!
Please pray that all the transactions and paper work go smoothly with no problems!

Fresh water for the people of Aceituno – Update

Our drilling rig is officially in Guatemala!! We should be able to pick it up within the week. We are continuing to have meetings to plan the details of drilling the well with the town leaders. There are a lot of logistics that will go in to this project. Please be praying that everything comes together smoothly. Because this is the first time we have done a project like this, we aren’t sure of exact numbers when it comes to drilling and building the water tank. We are 95% funded for the foreseeable costs, however there may be unexpected costs that come up as we work. Please pray that we don’t run into any problems in the process.

Personal Update

Things have been pretty busy with us, but we are grateful that we have still had down time at home to be refreshed, especially in this time with these big projects happening in Aliento. We are so excited about these changes happening, but it can also be pretty stressful at times, so having down time to recharge has been very helpful.
God has been doing a lot in our hearts and lives in our personal time with Him. It has been so cool to get to watch each other’s journey with the Lord up close!

We are so grateful to all of you that have been walking this journey with us. Thank you to everyone that has given financially to make all of this possible. And thank you for all those that have been lifting us up in prayer! God has used all of you to make this work possible!

Our biggest need right now is for more monthly financial donors for the feeding program. We are very underfunded in this area. At this point, we have only about $200 a month coming in. And we need $1,500. We have been using one-time gifts to get us through this, but it isn’t sustainable. Please pray about partnering with us in this ministry.