Affordable Websites for Ministries

We’re here to help you build a website that enables your ministry to grow. If you’re confused by all the terminology and you just need a solution that works for your specific needs, we have you covered.

About Us

Hey there! We are Nick and Isabel Gaultney and we build professional websites for ministries and small businesses. We started building websites in 2020 while we served as missionaries in a children’s home in Antigua Guatemala. That is a whole seperate story, but if you’re interested in that, visit our personal blog at

My wife Isabel grew up in small town Greybull, WY and I call many places home since I grew up a missionary kid. We met at a Christian summer camp in the Big Horn Mountains in 2019 and got married the following summer. With a passion for ministry, we now love to serve God’s kingdom by building highly-converting websites and pairing them with effective marketing strategies.

If you’d like to know more about our personal lives, or have any questions about the business or the ministries we’ve served in, feel free to use our contact page and we will get right back to you.

About Aliento Ministry

Aliento ministry was formed in the summer of 2019, right around the same time that the Gaultney’s landed in Guatemala. Taryn de Ixcotoyac (Fulp at the time) formed Aliento ministry under her parents organization “Hope For Home”. Soon after, she married a Guatemalan man named Maudilio de Ixcotoyac, and shortly after they began expanding their ministry.

Nick and Maudilio became good friends due to their shared interest in business and finances. They would spend lots of time talking about different marketing strategies, growth opportunities and potential investments. To this day they are good friends, and although Nick and his family returned to the United States, they keep in touch.

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