It’s been a season of both challenge and growth for us in Aceituno. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve experienced a range of emotions and obstacles as we’ve moved forward with the well drilling project and continued our ministry work. From the difficulties of starting a major project to the heartaches we’ve faced in our feeding program, it’s been a reminder that our work here is far from easy, but it is deeply rewarding. We’re so thankful for the progress that’s been made, the lessons learned, and the ways we’ve seen God move in the midst of it all.
Well Drilling
It’s been two weeks since Maudilio and the team began working on the water project, and while things have certainly been challenging, we are so excited and gratitude for the progress made so far. As of yesterday, they’ve drilled down 53 meters—an incredible milestone! Praise God!
The team has been working tirelessly, putting in around 10 hours a day, six days a week. The beginning of the project was tougher than anticipated—setting up the equipment was more complicated than expected, they were missing some crucial parts, and they encountered issues with the water pump, which required a last-minute trip to buy a replacement. However, once drilling began, things started to move more smoothly.
Of course, there have been a few setbacks along the way. Some days progress is slow due to the hard rock they’re drilling through, and yesterday they hit a section that kept collapsing, resulting in little to no progress. It was a bit discouraging, but despite the challenges, they are back at it today, determined to keep pushing forward.
Although things may not be moving as quickly as hoped, every step brings us closer to the goal. I am so proud of their perseverance, and continue to trust that God will guide them to success. Keep praying for them—progress is being made, and they are getting there!

Feeding Program
The number of people joining us for meals has been higher than usual lately. On average, we’ve been serving close to 100 meals every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Attendance tends to increase around this time of year, as many of the men in the community have been out of work for a while. One of the main sources of employment here is harvesting sugar cane, and their most consistent income comes during the harvest season. With harvest beginning this week, more men will return to work, and in a couple of weeks, as they receive their first paychecks, we anticipate a drop in attendance. However, during this season, many families are struggling even more financially. Please keep them in your prayers as they face these difficult times.
Over the past month, we’ve encountered some incredibly difficult and heartbreaking situations. These challenges have brought discouragement, making it hard to remember why we are working in Aceituno. There are moments when it feels like our efforts are making little impact, and it’s hard to keep our eyes on the goal when that goal seems so far out of reach. Yet, despite the difficulties, we are reminded that God loves and cares for these people far more than we ever could. We trust that He is in control. So, we continue to hold our heads high, doing everything we can to push back against the enemy that seeks to destroy.
Personal Update
The past two weeks have been unlike anything we’re used to. The first week of Maudilio being gone every day was especially tough for me. I’m so accustomed to us being together all the time, working side by side on everything. Suddenly, being alone every day and taking on a lot more responsibility—both in our personal life and in ministry—was a real challenge. But by the second week, we found a rhythm, and things have been going much better.
That said, I’m definitely looking forward to this project being completed and for us to return to our normal routine. The people at the feeding program also miss having Maudilio around, and they’re eager for him to be back with them as well.

**Prayer Requests**
– Pray that Maudilio and the team would have wisdom and guidance as they continue to drill the well, and that Maudilio would be a strong witness for Christ to those he’s working alongside. And, of course, pray for the timely completion of the well!
– Pray that we would be a light to the people we serve in Aceituno, and that God would use us to reflect His love and hope, especially as people face difficult circumstances.
– Pray that we would always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, trusting that even when we can’t see the immediate results, the seeds we are planting are still making a difference.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our updates. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to know how you can be involved! We always love connecting with our supporters!